Welcome to my new, no-JS, completely from scratch, homepage

This homepage will serve as a brief introduction to why my site looks so ugly, and what it is for. For now, the site is very basic, and hopefully that will improve in the future. Just like the first heading states, this is a project for me to try and improve my HTML and CSS knowledge, with one major caveat: no usage of any scripting language; this site must be built with only HTML and CSS.


That is a good question, simply put, I prefer old-style websites to some extent. One reason is how simple they are, I believe the K.I.S.S methodology of design is one that is oft not forgotten, but completely thrown away in modern web design, this creates websites that are over-complicated and hard to navigate for new users.


Hopefully, only with CSS and HTML. At this moment, I am in the very early stages of learning anything other than the base HTML I picked up in school, so that means that there will probably be a lot of 'incorrect' CSS. What do I mean by incorrect? I mean, over-use of items such as display: grid or display: flex in order to achieve a more responsive and pretty website without JavaScript. Since I am still learning, my solutions to some problems might be overcomplicated as I am still figuring out the easier, better solutions.

Why the font?

You have probably noticed the font is monospaced, rather than serif or sans-serif. This was a design choice made by myself, specifically I am using Liberation Mono and then falling back to whatever your browser's default mono font is. From there, Liberation Sans, your browser's default sans-serif font, then Liberation Serif and whatever your browser's default serif font is. This should give a cascading set of fonts that I prefer from best-to-worst.

If you do not like it, I am sorry, change your browser's default fonts to ignore any mono fonts. I think the look is best for how basic this site is, however, so for now I am keeping it.

A note about links

All links to external sites are set to open in new tabs, where-as all internal links are set to open on the same page.

A final note about topics

You will undoubtedly notice that there are multiple topics in either my blog or book reviews that are empty or unfinished. This is because I oft do not have much free time, and thus choose to push partial posts and update them as I write, rather than wait many weeks until I have finalised a topic before posting it.