Welcome to my new, no-JS, homepage

What is this site?

This website is simply a blog to write my ideas, and a playground to mess around with CSS and HTML, testing both my own ideas and modifying the Simple CSS base that I link down below. If I ever add anything more than the blog, a new menu link will show up at the top to navigate to whatever it is.


That is a good question, simply put, I prefer old-style websites to some extent. One reason is how simple they are, I believe the K.I.S.S methodology of design is one that is oft not forgotten, but completely thrown away in modern web design, this creates websites that are over-complicated and hard to navigate for new users.


Currently, I am using the default CSS stylesheet from https://simplecss.org along with my own stylesheet making a few minor changes to fit my tastes.

Why the font?

You have probably noticed the font is monospaced, rather than serif or sans-serif. This was a design choice made by myself, specifically I am using Liberation Mono and then falling back to whatever your browser's default mono font is. From there, Liberation Sans, your browser's default sans-serif font, then Liberation Serif and whatever your browser's default serif font is. This should give a cascading set of fonts that I prefer from best-to-worst.

If you do not like it, I am sorry, change your browser's default fonts to ignore any mono fonts. I think the look is best for how basic this site is, however, so for now I am keeping it.

A note about links

All links to external sites are set to open in new tabs, where-as all internal links are set to open on the same page.


From what I see doing limited testing on my iPhone, a lot of the CSS related to the menus/the layout breaks or does not work as expected. Sorry to the Safari users, I get too frustrated trying to manually make this site work perfectly on all browsers, and until I upgrade this laptop to a Mac Mini, Safari will be on the backburner and not really tested.

A final note about topics

You will undoubtedly notice that there are multiple topics in either my blog or book reviews that are empty or unfinished. This is because I oft do not have much free time, and thus choose to push partial posts and update them as I write, rather than wait many weeks until I have finalised a topic before posting it.