Warcraft: War of the Ancients Trilogy

War of the Ancients Archive book cover War of the Ancients is a trilogy of books in the (World of) Warcraft universe. I will start this off with saying, those that are fans of fantasy and long-time players of World of Warcraft will absolutely love this trilogy, and I highly recommend it if you fit into that category. For a quick synopsis, it focuses on the titular named 'War of the Ancients' which takes place on Azeroth's distance past; thousands of years ago.

I will also mostly be writing this review from the eyes of someone who already has played World of Warcraft (WoW), and so might skip some lore explanations or make assumptions about what the reader knows. I actually found this trilogy due to being highly interested in the quest lore and story of Warcraft and WoW, being one of the few people that actually takes the time and goes slow, reading quest text as I play WoW. If you are one of those people, then I am sure you are looking for exactly what I was at the time of initially reading this trilogy: WoW story in novel form.